Medication in the Scope of Mental Health
Fashion + Disability
In November 2020, our campaign was dedicated to storytelling that elevates the, often overlooked - topic of disability in fashion, to better understand how and where the industry must do better.
When it comes to diversity within fashion we often hear about things like gender, body size and ethnicity, but what about disability? For people with a disability finding even basic clothes that fit, let alone being ‘fashionable’, can be an insurmountable challenge.
Our Fashion + Disability campaign aims to explore the fashion needs, wants and experiences of people with disabilities and truly hear them
out. In investigating this topic, we want to really uncover things that we ourselves may never have thought about before; putting ourselves in the shoes of others, listening to their stories and sharing them with others.
We want to open minds and see the world through new perspectives.
Dementia is not a Visible Disability
Hidden Disabilities: The Elephant that's Never in the Room
Disability Representation in Video Games
Disability is NEVER a choice, but the way YOU act upon it will ALWAYS be
'Personality and Pride': Disability and Identity Explored
Disability & Desire: Disabled people have sex too.
Fashion, Disability and Barbie: From Damaging to Diverse
Does the Fashion Industry Neglect Disability?
Adaptions needed within the Fashion Industry to help those with Visual Impairment
An untapped market
It’s All About Inclusion
Ellie Goldstein: the New Face of Fashion
How YouTuber Molly Burke Is Making Fashion More Accessible
A disabled spokesperson in the fashion industry, a heart show from the inside out
How the fashion industry ignores disabilities
Designing for Disabilities: The Rise of Adaptive Fashion
Closing the gap between Mainstream Fashion and Adaptive Fashion
Adaptive Clothing: Making Fashion Accessible for All
Fashion and Disability: It’s Time for More Inclusion
Who Said the Disabled Cannot Have Fashion?
Fashion & the Ceaseless Abandonment of Disability
Disability Visibility in Fashion: Platforms not Pedestals
Are Disabilities Ignored in the Fashion Industry?
Designer Prosthetics: A Modern Solution for Aesthetics
The Misrepresentation of Disability on the High Street
Fashion + Disability: Is the industry doing enough?
It’s time to represent everyone in fashion
Instagram and Inclusivity
It is Time for Inclusivity in the Fashion Industry
Embracing Disability in the Fashion Industry
The Top 5 Best Disabled Models of 2020
Disabilities Dictating Fashion Choices:
Does the Fashion Industry do Enough to Cater to Disabled People?
True Diversity: Normalising Disability
How Adaptive Fashion Can Assist People with Disabilities
5 Disability – Friendly Fashion Brands You Should Know
Adaptive Clothing: How to Dress an Unruly Body
Inclusive Fashion: How Fashion Neglects our Multitude
The Designer Making Accessories Accessible
What Is Adaptive Fashion, and Why Is It So Important?
Improving the Fashion Industry with Zebedee Management
Fashion Focus: the Stories of Disabled Models
Are Brands Ignoring The Needs of Those With Disabilities?
The Disability Sector in Fashion: Under Represented and Under Appreciated
Accessible Fashion and What it Can Mean for Those With Disabilities
Broadening the Face of Fashion with a Disability – A Centric Approach
The new era of inclusivity – Better keep up, fashion!