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Abigail Forrest
Jul 14, 20214 min read
Have Fun at festivals! But do it Sustainably.
June 21st. Warm nights, fairy lights, the end of lockdown is in sight. The excitement for summer is at large, with the current lockdown...

Linsi Kearns
Jul 3, 20213 min read
Why Is The Disposable Nature of Festival Outfits Problematic?
Festival fashion is the perfect time for us to express ourselves without judgement for seeming too ‘out’ there. This is where fast...

Hannah Lumsden
Jul 1, 20214 min read
From Woodstock to Glastonbury: Festival Fashion in the 20th Century
Festivals are the epitome of freedom; they represent escapism and allow you to shake off all responsibilities to become (however...
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