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Education, Not Segregation


Education plays a major leading role to form progressive, sustainable, open-minded society, future and ultimately the world. Rather, it is a key that can open other doors for a brighter future. And it’s a simple principle to understand that education is the core for the development of society. However, in one way or another it is a complex and slow progress. Still up to this moment, education is not accessible for every child around the globe.

The problem is caused by various of reasons and situations. Whether it is extreme climate conditions, social and financial difficulties, religious creeds excluding females from education, or even in some communities the prevalent negligence of the importance of education. Personally, I believe that in this day and age with the advanced technologies, the same past approach simply does not fit into current and future projects.

Relatively not that long ago in Europe, education for women was perceived as unnecessary. Moreover, to this day in some countries the same ideology still exists to some extent. Fortunately, in some Islamic countries, the right to education is equally provided for both to man and woman. The concept is this: to have successful, prosperous, and knowledgeable family and consequently society as whole, it needs equally both man and woman to be educated. Otherwise, the same vicious circle of incomprehension would continue over again, taking nowhere but backwards.

Finally, educated and skilled women are contributing more to the family, especially in raising kids. How is it then possible that some still choose not to progress, and stay with age old beliefs about deciding what is best for women? The argument is this: perhaps it is beneficial for some in authorities to keep patriarchal society structure. Defending the concept as time-confirmed and the only true. Or is it simply a dupe?

It is impossible not to bring to the topic another matter that pupils, students and generally all from poor environments are overlooked and underestimated. Invisible and psychologically traumatized segregation happening at schools, colleges, and universities. Leaving one with the same sort of perception of oneself, instead of getting the necessary support, encouragement, and stimulation from the ones we perceive as a role models – teachers, mentors, lectors.

The other reality that comes to mind is that education can help to tackle poverty. However, how to gain education, when there are no financial possibilities within the family to let their child go to school, or university? Western countries have created the loop of possibilities to access education not only for privileged, but also for all who wish for higher education.

Perhaps, it could bring back to already aforementioned argument: by giving the access to education to all, it means economic growth. And yet, in some Eastern European countries, the possibility to higher education is complicated and hard. The consequences of limiting it, are that a lot of young people either migrate from own country, or have unskilled jobs with extremely low salaries, or it forces to unemployment and addictions, or other problematic scenarios. Of course, it would not be fair to say that without education there are no possibilities to find a job. However, the issue is that with unskilled jobs and getting low wages, it is practically impossible to make the living and change the status quo.

It is difficult to understand why governments are still failing to create education system wherein it accommodates all. Thoughts are leaning towards some sort of unexplained theory.

As, if one state can show the possibilities and investment into education, the other, should be able to implement these prospects within.

As my own experience with getting into the higher education was way too long and difficult, I would like to reach out all those in the same situation and pass the message to never stop trying. As they say, knowledge is power.


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