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What moral obligation do we have to animal welfare?

Our moral obligation to animal welfare by considering animal cruelty

Animal welfare focuses on the moral obligation which humans have to animals, to their well-being and to their rights. These duties to non-human animals arise from the two principles, the first is that cruelty to animal is obnoxious. Whereas the second principle focuses on preserving and protecting the natural environment, its protection promotes the welfare of individual animals and other living things. Although, there is not one principle which becomes more morally righteous than the other. It is vital to understand our connection to nonhuman animals and understand the duty we have to care for the animals in our planet. Therefore, this article will be focusing on the first principle and its links to animal welfare.

The principle that animal cruelty is obnoxious derives from a wealth of scientific evidence, indicating that certain species are subject of a life. As nonhuman animals are susceptible to suffering from psychological, emotional, and physical pain. For instance, a dog yelps when they feel pain or there is mounting evidence that fish (zebrafish, orcas etc.) can face depression. This concept is discussed in law where the legal rights of animals are considered, including basic rights of freedom from confinement, freedom from bodily injury, and freedom to pursue their lives. Although, the UK adopted the animal welfare act in 2006, there has been minimal research to be found on the effectiveness of this legislation. Especially when considering agricultural farming which would be interesting to monitor. There is a spectrum to animal cruelty where you may believe that for animals should be free of human farming or advocating for the animal welfare act.

There are various things to which you can do for farm animals which are mostly susceptible to animal cruelty, for instance eating less meat to advocate for higher welfare meat. It is important to consider animals equal to our lives as it enhances human to non-human connection. This is important as caring for the animal around us is proven to be good for our mental health. Additionally, it is by understanding our relationships with animals that we become aware of the food we eat and the quality. It is important to question ourselves about animal cruelty, the question which I find myself always constitute to whether I could kill and take away a life of an animal for food.


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