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We accept animal violence, but we ban human abuse, yet domestic abuse starts with animal cruelty


An unthreatened animal won’t ever harm a human, but a human would use cruelty on an animal for its sadistic pleasures and needs. How is that fair?

Have you ever been to a farm? A sheepfold? To a zoological garden? Or do you have friends or family that have a cat as a pet? Maybe you, too, have a dog. How do you feel about an animal companion? Don’t you feel safe? Happy? Excited?

Imagine you’re a dog trying to hug your owner, but they kick you as a reject. Does that not bother you enough? Then imagine you’re a wild animal living quietly in your habitat, and people come after you, hurting you, to flay your flesh and make a coat from your fur. Do you feel scared enough?

Animal impact on humans

Animals make us feel good. They are indeed a source of happiness, joy, support and comfort. They are even brought to hospitals to make patients feel better. For example, dogs are classified as therapy instruments. They can provide us with the attention we need as long as we give them the attention they need.

Animal cruelty

It is shocking that not only wild animals are being harmed for human pleasures like the enjoyment of food or fashion clothing. This has been considered normal for many years and is only discussed now. But we can’t control this, can we? How many of you know that even pets are victims of violence? Is this subject somehow closer to you? So continue reading to find out how you can help.

According to Dr Albert Schweitzer, the road to becoming a criminal begins with harassing home pets.

How does this make you feel? If unsettled, hopefully, it's making you think this is why animal abusers must be urgently prosecuted and scented.

We can’t protect big animals from being hurt, but we can stop cruelty against home pets first—little steps to a bigger future.

What is there to do

Could you make sure to keep your pets indoors? Leaving unsupervised cats or dogs outdoors will lead them to encounter dangers and make them more vulnerable to being killed by violent people.

Contact police and the RSPCA when you suspect an animal is being harmed or neglected, no matter the appearance of its owner.

Help young people empathise more with animals by being first lovely to them, speaking to them in a warm tone and handling them gently.

You need to contact the police or immediately call the RSPCA’s cruelty hotline on 0300 1234 999 when you know someone or something promoting animal cruelty on social media. Click here to report it online.



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