Why is there still ignorance towards men's mental health today?

Nathanial Hawthorne once said "no man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without becoming bewildered to which may be his truth". There is only so much that can be endured before it takes effect, and when it does, its what is undertaken next that determines whether one falls or pushes on. Yet even so, for those who fall, they can be picked up and get to start again as well as grow to become better mentally.
However this doesn't seem to apply to men in the eyes of society today. For a generation that is forever changing and evolving with new thoughts, expressions and heard voices, the male voice is silenced when it comes to their mental state and feelings. It is almost as if it is restoring back to the stereotypical era of men being strong, leading figures that are not affected by anything as they are meant to have strong minds, stronger than women and are meant to be the ones to fix things.
Why is there still Ignorance
Men's mental health is often ignored or stigmatized due to various reasons, including traditional gender norms and societal expectations of masculinity. Men are often expected to be strong, tough, and emotionally resilient, and any indication of vulnerability or emotional distress may be perceived as a sign of weakness.
This has made men bury their emotions for years due to the stereotype that men must be fierce and strong mentally, restraining them from opening up about how they are really doing and how they felt. From research that has been undertaken, this isn't the only other reason to why there is still ignorance towards men's mental health. Other reasons include:
Stigma: Mental health issues are still stigmatized in society, and men may feel ashamed or embarrassed to discuss their feelings or seek professional help.
Lack of Awareness: Many men may not recognize the symptoms of mental health issues or may not realize that they are struggling with mental health concerns. This lack of awareness can prevent them from seeking help or receiving appropriate treatment.
Access to Resources: Men may face barriers to accessing mental health resources such as therapy or counselling due to financial constraints, lack of insurance coverage or availability of mental health services.
Limited Research: There is still limited research on men's mental health, which can make it difficult to develop effective treatments and resources that specifically address their mental health needs. This lack of research can contribute to the perception that men's mental health is not a priority.
These points establish the problems that men are faced with and yet it is still not made a big enough deal out of. In just a few simple ways there can be improvements to assist and aid men with there mental health issues which below has been stated.
Ways in which we can improve men's mental health
Support groups or peer support networks can provide a safe and supportive environment to share experiences, offer encouragement, and provide a sense of belonging. Online support groups can also be a valuable resource for those who may not have access to in-person support.
Another way we can help is to promote more the men's side of mental health, show them that we want them to come forward and share the problems they face. This will create a sense of comfortability to a person if they feel it's safe to do so as they are being eased into it by society who are coming forward and wanting to show support.
Another way to improve mental health is by setting realistic goals and working towards them. Goals provide a sense of purpose and direction, and can help to increase feelings of self-esteem and confidence. It is important to set goals that are challenging but achievable, and to celebrate progress along the way.
Finally, getting involved in activities that promote mental health awareness and advocacy can be a powerful way to make a difference in the lives of others while also supporting one's own well-being. This may include volunteering with mental health organizations, participating in fundraising events, or simply speaking openly and honestly about mental health with friends and family.
Personal review
There are many more ways in which mental health can be improved than the ones stated. It is crucial that we break down these barriers and address the issue of men's mental health to ensure that men receive the care and support they need. This can be achieved through awareness campaigns, increased funding for mental health services, and efforts to promote open and honest communication about mental health.
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou
By acknowledging and addressing men's mental health concerns, we can work towards creating a society that values the mental wellbeing of all individuals, regardless of gender.