Mental health problems are a key feature of today’s society and mental health is one of the most important topics at this current time. Mental health refers to peoples emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. Mental health can affect everyone in the world regardless of demographic factors. In the Uk alone it is reported that approximately 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year. There are many different causes of damaged mental health. These include poor sleep, stress, and lifestyle factors. As mental health is such a critical issue in our society it is essential to create visibility for it and reduce the stigma attached to it. One of the ways this can be done is through digital marketing.
One of the ways digital marketing can help to create more visibility for mental health is through the use of social media platforms. This includes platforms such as twitter, Facebook, Instagram, tik-tok and many more. Companies and individuals can use these social media platforms to share their personal experiences and show ways that they have been able to improve their mental state, potentially providing viewers with any resources that they used to improve their mental health. Furthermore by sharing individuals experiences it can also help to reduce the major stigma surrounding mental health problems creating a community where everybody feels safe to share their feeling and experiences.
Building on from this Individuals using digital marketing can be a massive factor to help increase the visibility for mental health. This is because large influencers can promote it on their social media platforms as a way to do some good and massively reduce the stigma, as by having these big stars talking about their problems will help mental health problems seem much more normal.
Although digital marketing can massively help to create more visibility for mental health, there are some big challenges with using it. Firstly, one main challenge is the fact there is a lot of competition for attention on social media platforms. Therefore, for this to be effective organisations and individuals will need to make content that stands out and isn’t generic so it is relatable for the person watching it. Furthermore, there is a very high chance that it may cause misinformation online especially with individuals posting about it. For this to be overcome organisations and individuals both need to make sure the information they post is free from error and fully accurate.
Secondly another way digital marketing can help to improve mental health visibility is through email marketing. To explain further organisations can look to use email marketing to promote mental health awareness through newsletters. If these include stories of people who have struggled with mental health problems throughout their life it will help to keep people engaged and informed about mental health.
In addition to social media and email marketing digital marketing can promote mental wellbeing and create visibility for mental health through online advertising. This will help allow organisations to target specifics demographics and recourses and adverts for people who are more likely to be a risk of mental health problems or who have specific interest for mental health. This will help to increase the awareness of mental health issues and encourage those who need help to find help as they will know where to find the help.
One of the most significant advantages of digital marketing is the fact that it helps to reach people who may not have had previous access to mental health areas. To further explain people who live outside of towns and live in rural parts of the country such as farmers, may not have easy access to mental health clinics or support groups like people living within a city do. Therefore, digital marketing can help people belonging to this demographic.
Additionally digital marketing can be effective due as it can help to reach people who are scared of reaching out due the stigma surrounding mental health. If this information is presented in a non-judgemental way, it can help reduce the stigma and get people the help that they may desperately need.
Even though there may be challenges with digital marketing, it is an effective way we can look to increase the visibility for mental health and reduce the stigma. Social media, marketing and online advertising will all massively help the battle against mental health by reducing the stigma and signposting individuals to the correct recourses which will massively help them.