An argumentative piece on the importance of goal 16 of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development from a criminological perspective

What goal 16 of the 2030 agenda entails
From a criminological perspective this goal is particularly important as it promotes a fairer and safer future for victims as well as others affected from the result of a crime. Furthermore, it advocates for inclusivity within institutions. This is of interest to note as a lot of crimes occur when individuals feel let down by institutions due to unfair disadvantages.
Within goal 16, subsections also of relevance are:
By ensuring goal 16 of the 2030 agenda has been reached, there is a likelihood that crime around the world will decrease significantly. By creating a just and inclusive world, many are less likely to commit a crime in the first place and release burdens on the criminal justice systems around the globe.
Criminological perspective
Within criminology, the study of crime, there has been significant evidence to suggest individuals brought up in violent neighbourhoods are more likely to carry that behaviour into adulthood thus creating a cycle. This cycle brings high crime rates, corruption, terrorism and lack of justice for those affected by criminal acts. The importance of goal 16 should not be ignored and instead should be encouraged to be reached within the timeline in order to create a happier world.
In summary, Goal 16 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will play a significant role (in the event that it is reached) in decreasing crime rates and release substantial burden on criminal justice systems around the world. By promoting a safe, inclusive and fair world for everyone individuals may be less likely to commit an act of violence or criminal behaviour/ actions. This particular Goal, from a criminological perspective should not be under represented and instead should be encouraged to be reached.