Excerpt: We are all on a continuum of mental health.
Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being.It affects how people think, feel and act.It also deals with how people handle stress,relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. We are all on a Continuum of mental health. Some people may live active, happy life which are occasionally interrupted by brief stages of mental Ill-health, which once they recover, have little effect on their ongoing life.
Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is an anxious personality disorder characterized by an inability to be alone. People with DPD develop symptoms of anxiety when they’re not around others. They rely on other people for comfort, reassurance, advice, and support.People who have this condition sometimes deal with feelings of insecurity. According to the Cleveland Clinic, people with this condition normally first show signs in early to mid-adulthood
Signs of this disorder include:
Behaving submissively
Relying on friends or family for decision-making
needing repeated reassurance
being easily hurt by disapproval
feeling isolated and nervous when alone
fearing rejection
being overly sensitivity to criticism
being unable to be alone
having a tendency to be naive and
People with DPD may require constant reassurance. They can become devastated when relationships and friendships are severed. When alone, a person with DPD may experience:
panic attacks
What are the risk factors?
Some risk factors that might contribute to the development of this disorder include:
having a history of neglect
having an abusive upbringing
being in a long-term, abusive relationship
having overprotective or authoritarian parents
having a family history of anxiety disorders
What are the potential complications of DPD?
Complications that can arise from untreated DPD are:
anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, avoidant personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)
substance abuse
Early treatment can prevent many of these complications from developing.
How’s DPD diagnosed?
Your doctor will give you a physical exam to see if a physical illness could be the source of symptoms, particularly anxiety. This may include blood tests to check for hormone imbalances. If tests are inconclusive, your doctor will likely refer you to a mental health specialist.
A psychiatrist or psychologist usually diagnoses DPD. They’ll take your symptoms, history, amental state into account during diagnosis.
How’s DPD treated?
Treatment focuses on alleviating symptoms. Psychotherapy is often the first course of action. Therapy can help you better understand your condition. It can also teach you new ways to build healthy relationships with others and improve your self-esteem.
Psychotherapy is usually used on a short-term basis. Long-term therapy could put you at risk of growing dependent on your therapist.
Medications can help relieve anxiety and depression, but are generally used as a last resort.
The cause of DPD is unknown, which makes it difficult to prevent the condition from developing. However, recognizing and treating symptoms early can prevent the condition from worsening.
People with DPD generally improve with treatment. Many of the symptoms associated with the condition will decrease as treatment continues.If you suspect a loved one might have DPD, it’s important to encourage them to seek treatment before their condition worsens. This can be a sensitive matter for someone with DPD, especially since they seek constant approval and don’t want to disappoint their loved ones. Focus on the positive aspects to let your loved one know they’re not being rejected.