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Ellise Ahmet

Climate Change - What Can you do?

Are we inevitably doomed? What can I do to help? Are we too far gone?

We know we are damaging the world in which we live yet we choose to take very little action of our own to stop this. Climate change is a chore we are constantly reminded of like the washing up that we will do later. But how long until those dishes pile up and up until it’s covered in mould and it’s easier to just bin the heap and purchase new sets. But climate action is not a chore and should not be seen as one. Maybe it’s that we see the issue as so profound that we question what one person can do to stop it. But that’s the thing – if each of us thought this we would never get anything done. Or maybe we are too ignorant to see the signs, surely if you can’t see something then it cannot be happening, right? Don’t let a naïve mindset be what destroys the earth. You can have more of an impact on climate change than you think and if we all begin to adapt; learning greener ways then we might have a chance at saving our planet.

Can you really help from home?

Climate action starts with each individual. It’s a fight that needs as many recruits as possible and it can start inside your home. Taking action doesn’t have to be expensive, you don’t have to switch to solar panels or swap to an electric car to make a difference. You could start with efficiently recycling or using public transport every once in a while. Perhaps you could even walk short distances instead of taking the car. Cars don’t just contribute to greenhouse gas emissions; their exhaust fumes increase air pollution which seriously threatens public health. Research shows that.

Poor air quality in the capital leads to around 1000 London hospital emissions.

You could also eliminate single-use appliances and switch to reusable tools such as washable cloths instead of paper towels or reusable face wipes instead of thousands of cotton pads added to landfill. Single-use plastic can be drastic to the environment.

We produce 300 million tonnes of plastic each year worldwide, half of which is for single-use items.

Which only goes into our oceans damaging wildlife and threatening marine life. Plastic's destruction doesn’t end there, its life cycle alone releases insane amounts of greenhouse gases through its extraction, manufacturing and refining.

This is why as an attempt to rid the need for single-use plastic, we have swapped to safer alternatives such as paper. However, not everyone is ecstatic about this change.

Stop seeing climate change as an inconvenience

It’s no shock that the public has had feedback on the switch to safer materials. People were upset with the removal of plastic straws to make room for paper ones. Twitter and other social media platforms became the output for these opinions to be shared, many of which begged for the plastic back, not educated on what the manufacturing of those tiny straws does to the planet.

It’s not just the changes that some of the public cannot support. It is their ignorance that they do not see climate change to be a current issue. Arguments circling of it being a myth and that…

It wouldn’t be so bad if the earth got a little warmer

I’m sure the animals living in the arctic think exactly the same, as their ice caps are melting.

Those that think this way do somewhat believe in the movement toward a safer future and wish to contribute in some way, which can be possible without adapting your home life.

Sustainable business

Businesses sometimes contract a bad reputation for their work. They are associated with damaging the planet with their excessively large factories and supply chains as well as being unreliable and exploiting. This is not the case for all businesses. Sustainable businesses are slowly becoming more apparent in the market, giving you options for a more positive purchase.

The clothing industry makes up 10% of humanity’s carbon emissions with its production of fashion. Fast fashion has become a more popular phrase among society as something to avoid in today’s climate. Second-hand garments are almost becoming trendy. The release of apps such as Depop, Vinted and eBay allows consumers to wear already-loved garments. Love Island is setting the trend by showing off their pre-loved outfits on the mainstream show. This has had a huge influence on the public, as fast fashion is now looked down upon.

You can read more about the clothing industry and how it relates to climate change here

It’s not just fashion outlets that can be sustainable. Many businesses have analysed their supply chains in an attempt to make a much more sustainable one. This is achieved through sourcing locally and adopting a circular supply chain which aims to reduce waste by increasing recycling and sending back unused materials to the supplier.

Check out this website to see the most sustainable businesses internationally.

Climate change is not something we can ignore. We need to take action now. If you can help from home why wouldn’t you? Be a part of the solution, not the problem.


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