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A Guide To Being #lessmindless This March

This month, we’ve decided to do something a bit different to encourage our community to become less mindless in their everyday life. So, for the whole of March, we’re dedicating energy to the things we love in an effort to be less mindless! We want to be able to hold ourselves accountable to being #lessmindless, both as individuals and as a community.

What is mindlessness?

Mindlessness refers to a state of empty-headed lack of meaning.

Unfortunately, mindlessness is all around us. We are living in a world whereby instant gratification has become increasingly available through the digitalisation of almost everything. The implications that this has, is that we are exposed to easily accessible forms of consumption that often result in hours of wasted, unaccountable time. This comes in many forms. Some that you are perhaps familiar with if you are reading this article are the various social media platforms that dominate public conversations and discourse. Have you ever gone on TikTok for a quick 10-minute break that turned into 2 hours of mindlessly scrolling? That’s exactly what we mean when discussing mindlessness.

With this in mind, we encourage any activities that are a form of self-care/an investment in the self. The good news is that this involves an array of activities. For some, this might include practicing mindfulness through a meditative outlet, for others, it could be as simple as consciously making the time each day to do something that brings them joy. Whatever it is, this month, here at Mindless Mag we would love for you to join us on our journey of being #lessmindless.

How can I get involved?

Each day throughout March, members of the Mindless team will be joined by former interns, current interns, monthly partners, members of our community and YOU, to share one way in which we are being #lessmindless. We will be doing this through producing and sharing Instagram reels documenting our journey!

Where to start

We recognise that if you’ve never tried before, the practice of becoming less mindless could be slightly daunting. We cannot tell you where to start or how to find more meaning in your own life for the simple fact that being less mindful requires you to change things in your everyday routine that are personal to you. We can however point you in the right direction. Here are a few starting points to being less mindless:

· Appreciate the joys of your everyday, mundane activities, such as cooking a meal for yourself

· Practicing mindfulness through engaging in meditation or yoga

· Make it a priority to be phone-free for the last hour of your day

· Take yourself on a short walk each day

· Replace the time you would spend watching TV or going on social media with reading a book

· Journal each evening what you were most grateful about that day

Be sure to share your efforts of being #lessmindless on Instagram and make sure to tag us at @mindlessmag :) We can't wait to see your take on it! You can find out more at ❤️


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